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Murphy Eager

Bringer of Joy

Whether it was becoming the fastest kid on the 2018 state title team as a precocious four month old or sneaking into the state meet at Mount Tahoma Stadium, Murphy has fearlessly held the official position of Tides Track and Field "Bringer of Joy" since he was kidnapped from his litter by the Eagers as a pup in February of 2018. Embracing our team goal of chasing an unattainable excellence, he was named “Dog of the Week” at his daycare in his first year of attendance. (#AlwaysGrinding)

Growing up around a starter’s pistol means he’s a very good boy during the fireworks of 4th of July and New Year’s, and he’s always there to give athletes slobbery love and puppy kisses regardless of their performance like the excellent teammate he is. When Murphy isn’t at practice he’s dreaming about treats, mountain biking, floaty frisbee at the beach, touchdown tugger during Seahawks games, BALL (duh), and...treats. Or wrasslin’ with other pups (and J Hering,) because he’s the friendliest, most fun guy around.

You can follow Murphy's exploits on Instagram @murphythetraildog

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